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Selectmen Minutes 04/01/2008

Chichester Board of Selectmen
April 1, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: Douglas Briggs – Building Permit – Mr. Briggs did not show up for his appointment.


Chairman DeBold swore in Gilbert Vien as Fire Chief for a three year term and as Deputy Emergency Management Director for a three year term.  

Chairman DeBold swore in Selectman Jordan as ex-officio to the BCEP committee for a one year term.  

Selectman Jordan asked the Fire Chief about the status of the fence that borders the Fire Station property.  It has fallen onto the abutter’s property due to the amount of snow.  Chief Vien would like to replace the fence with a row of hedges.  The Chief will speak to the homeowner prior to any repairs or replacements.

Selectman MacCleery asked the Fire Chief whether or not he had looked at the property on Swiggey Brook Road.  Chief Vien reported that the excavation work appears to not be on town property but within 10 ft. of the property line.  The Chief did not see any wetlands near the work site.  The Board of Selectmen will monitor the situation.

Selectman MacCleery questioned a fee on the Mayville invoice for checking road violations, pushing snow across the road.  Selectman Jordan stated this is the Road Agent’s responsibility not a contractor.  Selectman MacCleery requested an explanation of the time/rate/and why a contractor and not an employee was authorized to complete this type of work.  The check was pulled until these questions could be answered by the Road Agent.

The Board approved a request for use of the town’s projector by BCEP Director Earl Weir.

The Road Agent questioned what department will be responsible for the cost of the No Parking signs ordered for Bailey Road.  The cost will be $460.00.  This is not a budgeted expense for the highway department.  The Board made no decision this evening.

The Board discussed the recommendations of town counsel regarding the alleged zoning violation at the Levitina residence.  The Board agreed to pursue option one as stated by the attorney and proceed anew with this violation under Article II, Section D, permitted uses.  Lisa was directed to compose a new letter, run it by the town attorney and have ready for the Board’s signatures next week.
Lisa reported her research did not turn up an easement agreement between the town and Weathervane Restaurant for a school bus turn around.  There is on file a stipulation for access from the State to the Weathervane for access and clean out of the restaurants grease trap and septic system.  The Board felt that agreement was not describing the same area as where Chucksters has permission for employee parking.  Chairman DeBold will verify the station markers for the right-of-way with the State.

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BOS minutes
April 1, 2008

Selectman MacCleery brought forward that L & K Truck Body has still not completed the paving requirement of their Board of Adjustment approval.  Lisa was directed to initiate the zoning complaint and compose a letter to L & K.

Selectman MacCleery requested clarification be stated in the minutes as to remarks from the March 25, 2008 meeting concerning opinion given to Mrs. Diane Stevens was from one member of the Board of Adjustment only.  The issue of whether or not the abutters could file an appeal to the BOA on a proposed obnoxious use was discussed at the end of a public meeting held by the BOA last fall.  The discussion was not mentioned in the minutes of the BOA meeting.

A discussion took place between the Selectmen and Chris Weir relative to what can and cannot be required in the Site Plan Review if not in the zoning ordinances.  Mr. Weir stated the Site Plan Regulations are for process and procedure only.   

Selectman MacCleery directed Lisa to inquire for clarification, what vehicle a highway department employee was driving on March 28 & 29.

Motion Chairman DeBold, second Selectman MacCleery to re-appoint Norm Larochelle and Scott Marston for three year terms to the Budget Committee.

The Board discussed the Road Advisory Committee.  Selectman MacCleery will be the new Selectman representative on this committee.  Discussion took place regarding membership, specifically that the Board does not recall appointing member Mayville to the committee.  It has come up for discussion previously.  Once Gil Vien became a highway employee, he was no longer eligible to be a RAC member.  This open position has never been formally filled by appointment with the Selectmen.  At this time, the Selectmen do not recognize Mr. Alan Mayville as a member of the RAC.  He is certainly able to attend the meetings as a concerned citizen of the community.

The Board discussed the recent building permit issued to 763 Second Street.  The Board would like a memo sent to the Building Inspector asking for written confirmation that he has inspected the premises and all stipulations of the court order have been addressed prior to commencement of the project under this permit.

The Board signed the revised Personnel Policies.  The revisions now reflect the changes to benefits as voted by the March 15, 2008 Town Meeting.
The minutes of March 25, 2008, were approved as written.  

Mail and correspondence were reviewed. Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

The Board signed Intents to Cut for the following properties; Map 10, lot 27 – Millican Nurseries; map 6, lots 9 & 32-Ellis; map 6, lot 8-a-Monroe and a Supplemental for Map 1, lot 23-Blackman.

The Board signed the following Timber Tax levies; Map 10, lot 27-Millican Nurseries; map 1, lot 15-Stevens.

The Board approved a Veterans Credit for map 4, lot 1-7-Wilson.  The Board approved one elderly exemption.  
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BOS minutes
April 1, 2008

Motion Selectman MacCleery, second Chairman DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 9:18pm. All were in favor.  Motion carries.

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens                                                    
                                                                Approved As Written                                                                                              4/8/2008

______________________            _______________________         _______________________  
Richard DeBold, Chairman                  Stephen MacCleery               Jeffrey Jordan